North American Soccer
2023 Product Launch of the Year
Golazo Network
CBS Sports
Golazo Network - CBS Sports
Staff Involved: CBS Sports
Entry: In April, CBS Sports Golazo Network launched as a completely first-of-its-kind free, 24-hour streaming network in the U.S. dedicated exclusively to global soccer coverage. The latest from CBS Sports’ best-in-class soccer coverage, CBS Sports Golazo Network serves soccer fans by launching with unparalleled coverage of all the top domestic and international soccer competitions across the globe, making it the ultimate year-round destination for soccer fans.
The network’s daily programming in addition to live matches that often include UEFA Champions League, NWSL, Serie A and top domestic competitions like the U.S. Open Cup, includes a number of studio shows. Daily studio programming includes Morning Footy, Box 2 Box, Scoreline, Kickin’ It and Attacking Third.